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Friday, January 2, 2009

2009 - Emmanuel...!!!

New Year reflection??
Before starting to write the new resolutions for the New Year, I usually read last year’s resolutions first. I love to read what I had written in my past. I remember what I prayed for last year, and will be happier if something I hoped had already answered. For what hadn’t answered yet… umm…. It’s kinda make me… um… God???

I was looking around my bookshelf. I was looking for a book. But I found a good phrase from one of the books in my bookshelf: -A Father Who Keeps His Promises- by Scott Hahn. Well, it’s a good and arduous book. It made me remember about God’s Promises in my life. Some has been answered, but some haven’t been answered.

Well, I reflected and cried to God. “Lord, I even forget when I started praying and asking this from You. Until now, I haven’t seen any single sign of answer?” Then I asked myself, “Should I still confide in Him? It’s has been years! Hooahh.. I’m tired. I’m really tired. I’m tired waiting and asking from God. If it’s not because of You, God, I might have been killed myself several years ago.” I’m still here because I believe in God and believe in His Power to His children. And I had promised to Mother Mary that I will keep on praying for this.

So, here I am with the old petitions but with the new hope. The hope as said in the Bible, that God is Immanuel. God is with us, that what I got this end of year’s reflection. Though there’s still no sign, I keep holding on to God and believe He is with me. And if He is with me, what do I need to fear?

For the New Year:
I got this from my teacher who introduced Jesus to me. He’s God’s hand to catch me. He gave this simile to me:

We have 365 papers which represent our days in a year. In this beginning of the year, we are given by God 365 empty/clean papers. It’s your decision, what you will write on these papers, you want to draw it good or bad, it’s your choice. Here, we need Jesus to draw it together with you.

My resolution, revolution, and revival
I always write like above, not just making resolution, but do also make a revolution and revival!
This year’s topic I got is Emmanuel. God is with us. I don’t know why, well, Emmanuel!

In 2009, I will go to university, I still don’t know which I will have my undergraduate, but… but… yah, Emmanuel, haha!

In 2009, I will… I will… I will… aargh, I don’t know, all the decision is in April 09, the NUS/NTU are the determiner of my future... I still can plan nothing, honestly.
Sadly, I also have to leave my hobby to learn the Photoshop and the action script in Flash… and also the badminton, I’ll do it again after February.

So, in 2009, I wanna be closer to God, reciting the Rosary more often, and deeper my devotion to Padre Pio since I have asked Padre Pio that I want to be his spiritual child.

What I want to have in this year is…. Nothing… I don’t hope for any earthly thing this year, I’m satisfied with what God had entrusted to me. Maybe, just need to upgrade my laptop, haha.

Oh ya, I wanna go to Lembah Karmel again, with my friends. It will be bore to me since it’s my third time, but it’s great to be there! One thing I really want deep inside my heart is to be the committee of the retreat, because during the retreat what went into my mind is I suppose to be standing there, not here as participant again! Seems proud, but that’s the fact that we should grow spiritually, moving from being the participant to be the committee. But I don’t know how to…

I want to be closer to Mary. I want to find other cool saints. I wanna be a saint, if I die this year.

Oh ya, this year i also want to make blogs or webs for:
saints' web sites and then a typography gallery, haha.

backspace button
Ok, enough, that just what I want, that just what I write.

I have the pencil, I write using the pencil, but I give to Jesus the eraser, so that what’s not in His plan, He can erase it, and I will obey Him.

I have the keyboard, and Jesus has the backspace button.

Jesus, just press the backspace button whenever and wherever YOU want to…!!!
Hold my hand in filling these 365 papers, Lord!
