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Monday, March 24, 2008

My first visit to Emergency Room-UGD-unit gawat darurat RS. Husada

In order to fulfill my curiousness how it feels to be a doctor, finally, one of my dreams, to visit the emergency room was come true.

Here the background story…

On Easter, the happiest day, accident happened to my cousin’s family. My cousin wanted to refill their mineral water with replacing the new gallon of water. One of their mistake, they put the water dispenser on the table, so that to replace the gallon, they need to step up on chair and lift the heavy gallon.

My cousin, around 30 something woman, with her braveness and her carelessness, replace the gallon by herself. She always does this; this is not the first time for her. But here is the weakness of human, we can’t predict or decide what will happen next.

On this happy day, she replaced the gallon and she fell down from the chair. The chair was broken into two, and also the water gallon, so water overflew all over the house. And my cousin, fell down and her head knock the floor.

But this story doesn’t end up like this. Suddenly, her husband went downstairs after hearing her horrifying yell (I believe it’s horrifying!). And without knowing that water overflew his house, he ran and brak!! He, my cousin’s husband also fell down, unluckily, the pieces of the broken chair stabbed his leg. It’s on the same position with Jesus’ wound on His leg, really. And the gallon made his back, I mean, part of body near his back and near armpit scared. So, both of them lying on the floor, yelling and crying, with the blood flew and mixed with the water, overflew their house. What a bloody Easter!

Then, thanks God, my grandma came. Thanks God also my grandma doesn’t have heart attack. My grandma came and shocked with the bloody house. And then, a phone call rang to my house, my mom and dad went there quickly and helped them.

The entire true story above happened around 9 o’clock. And then, their little girl just came home after having her Easter Mass at church with her grandma (my aunty) and her baby-sitter. All were shocked. Unfortunately, I wasn’t there to see the bloody house.

After having the traditional help like ‘pijet-pijet’ and some ‘balsem’, my cousin’s husband still couldn’t stand or walk well. Until my uncle came and brought them to the hospital.

UGD, here m0nica comes!

What? Hospital. I beg my mom to let me go to accompany them to the hospital. So, here I came to the Emergency Room of Husada hospital, hua hua hua…!!!

With hard step, my cousin’s husband laid on the bed in UGD room. I accompanied him all along the occasion I was there. I am not too close to him, but I just curious for what the doctors would do.

I look around the UGD, it’s not as terrible as I thought before. There was not any emergency situation at all. Quiet and calm. Weird! But suddenly, there’s a man, I mean ‘abang-abang’ who got traffic accident came lying on bed with bloody leg, yup bloody scenery.

I saw the doctor sewed him

And the terrific scenery didn’t end up just like that. My cousin’s husband leg was going to be sewed, dijahit. And my eyes still opened when the doctor and nurse ‘sewed’ him, haha!

First, he was given the painkilling injection until he didn’t feel hurt. And the doctor started sewing him. I opened my eyes widely. No fear at all.

Here the photos. I took it just for kenang-kenangan my first visit to UGD.

Mighty God, powerless man

After Rontgen check, he’s ok, no serious damage in his bone. But you know what, just in 2 hours, he spent almost 700.000 Rupiah. And more terrible, I saw his face, depressed, hopeless. Well, a healthy man, just in 10 minutes could turn into a powerless man and lying hopelessly on the Emergency Room. That’s one of the weaknesses of human.

And that’s also the mighty of God, not more than 10 minutes, God can let you to be powerless.

From this accident, my family and I were warned to be more careful and surrender to God, because we really powerless and He’s the only mighty. Amen.

That’s my first experience to visit UGD. I love hospital atmosphere. Sometimes I thought I wanted to be a doctor, but I still don’t know, still looking for the right path.

(I’m still looking for God’s clue for my future, doctor or programmer, biology and chemistry or IT and physics, Medicine Faculty of UI or Computer Science of NTU, hospital or Microsoft. Haha… )

Psalms 8: 4-6

Jika aku melihat langit-Mu, buatan jari-Mu, bulan dan bintang-bintang yang Kautempatkan:
apakah manusia, sehingga Engkau mengingatnya?
Apakah anak manusia, sehingga Engkau mengindahkannya?

Namun Engkau telah membuatnya hampir sama seperti Allah,
dan telah memahkotainya dengan kemuliaan dan hormat.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Palm Sunday 2008

I have mass in the morning brought by 3 priests as celebrant. I always love Palm Sunday.

Masses which I love in Easter are Palm Sunday and Easter Mass with children. In those Mass, we’ll feel so happy, the atmosphere set are joyful actually.

Along the Holy Week especially, the Holy Days, I will try to write my feelings so next year or couple of years later, I still can memorize it again, haha. And post it in my blog, coz I have a blog, not in my smart laptop only.

Today, I love the perarakan masuk which we wave the palm and sing loudly only in the refrain, “Yeruuu.. salemm.. yeruu… salem…”, well, most of us only can sing in the refrain, and I proud to the part of those who only can sing the refrain, haha.

And also when the priests stain the Holy Water to our palms, all people love to bath, especially in church, so that when we got stained with the Holy Water, a bit of smile we will express.

And in some Masses in Holy Days, we are honored to take part in the readings of the gospel, wow. I will say ‘wow’, we take part in reading the Gospel, that’s great for me. Honoring the Liturgy of Words.

And we really take our part in His Crucifixion, we shout ‘Crucify Him… Crucify Him’, yang artinya, “Salibkan Dia… Salibkan Dia…”, yes, people who crucify Him are us, including me as the biggest sinner.

Well, that’s just a bit of the happiness opening the Holy Week, which I hope this week I could be a holy sinner, haha… let’s see and walk through these days in Holy Week faithfully to God. Amen. +

#01 PD Santa Ursula

Saturday, 15 March 2008

PD Santa Ursula

Finally, after long time, He made what I had dreamt since I enrolled myself to this school; to have a prayer community at my new senior high school comes true.

Mission has just began, on Thursday, 13 March 2008, Sr. Moekti, Devina_Ponchu, Elle, Yanita, Hanny, Herin, Hana, Yemima, VanYo, and me, ten people, gathered at the third floor hall to begin our Persekutuan Doa, wow. (Unfortunately, we forgot to take a photo.)

Technically, it was a bit a mess, but overall, great. We prayed, sang 2 songs (Terima Kasih Tuhan & Bapa yang Kekal), a little game (Apa kabar? Kita bergembira…), and read His Word. And Sister Moekti shared about her calling as a Nun, so did the other friends told about God’s Works in their life.

In the first meeting, I really could feel the joyful atmosphere. So, every time I remember the first PD at my skul, I was happy to think about it.

I really can feel that Sister was also so excited, through her shares and ideas. Deep inside, I know that she doesn’t want the students in this school to be good in academic lesson only, but also spiritually connected with God.

Sister Moekti was very happy so did the others. And through the questioner I gave, 66.67% want to have this PD twice a week.


At first, I felt tired doing this actually, coz I depended on my own power, not God’s power. And I thought that the PD will only gather once a month just for a few students. Jesus, I knew that I couldn’t do it by myself. All are Your works. It’s Your desire to love your children in this school more and more.

And I still don’t know how it will last, but let God do the rest, coz if He wants, it will be. I’m just doing what He said and whatever He said, I want to be ready to do all His commandments.

All, I surrender to You, coz all are Yours. Amen

Waktu sakit and my #5 Way of Cross...


Friday, 7 March 2008

Oooh, daku sakit tuday! Oooh, menderita.

Trus, kamu tau ga, hari ini hari apa?

Hari ini, hari Jumat!

Maka, dengan sakitnya daku, daku batal pantang daging dan puasa. Coz I know that my body need protein from meat.

Jumat Pertama & Libur mujizat yang hancur

Trus, yang paling parah, hari ini bukan Jumat biasa, hari ini, JUMAT PERTAMA bulan Maret, di masa Prapaskah pula!

So, you know what I have missed today? I missed Jalan Salib, Way of Cross, and ADORATION… noooooooooooooo……….!!!!! Super duper terrible…

Hari ini, hari libur mujizat pula, dan libur mujizatku, hanccuuurrrRRz! (di SanUr, libur=mujizat, kata ci Ika, mujizat kuadrat), jadi bisa lebih menghargai satu hari libur, ya, yes, i did it, i can feel it...

Back to God…

Ooooh, Tuhan menghendakimu untuk berristirahat, Monica. Entah apa rencanaNya?

Doa, Firman, komunitas, pelayananku, berjalan normal kog menurutku. But, over all, thanks God!

Ya, mungkin daku sudah terlalu banyak kegiatan fokusku, yaitu: sekolah, PD di skul, PD St. Alfonsus, dan menjadi katekis bagi m0mmy ku. 4 bidang yang kulayani, membuat beban hidup ini terasa begitu banyak. But, God is still with me.

Our Suffering is not as much as what our Lord had done

Tadi, I dikerok by m0m, mungkin masuk angin. You know, di kerok itu, sakitnya RuarR biasa…! And ditengah-tengah kesakitan itu, daku mengambil my phone dan segera membuka image, mencari gambar Jesus yang sedang mao di salib, maka, daku terdiam melihat gambar itu, bahwa apa yang daku rasakan selama dikerok itu sungguh tiada bandingnya, ga ada apa-apanya disbanding satu saja Luka Yesus.

My computerize life, game programmer???

Tentu saja daku ga mao begini, sakit mulu. Pengen sembuh dan besok ke skul. Coz I mao ambil CD The Sims yang ingin ku pinjam dari temanku, blakangan ini, daku seneng maen games. Jadi pengen jadi ‘game progremmer’ nih. Oh ya, I also planned to create a Bible program and one day, I hope that I can make a game rohani. Sounds great!

But, on this ‘sicky’ day, not too bad actually. Dalam keadaan begini (suhu tubuh 37.7° dan denyut nadi ±100/ menit_jam 7 pm= ngukur sendiri manual, agak bakat dan punya sedikit tampang jadi dokter, haha), daku bisa membuat poster untuk outreach PDKM. Yang sperti ini belum pernah ku buat

Menurutku, agak keren, tapi coloringnya masih agak kurang indah. Let’s get on Sunday and have my friends’ comments about it.

My #5 Way of Cross at home

Oh ya, tadi, daku doa Jalan Salib di rumah, with my m0m, great! Haha. I’m kind of people who hard to forget very special moment like this! I missed my #5 Way of Cross! In the beginning of Lent, I promise to myself that I will attend all the Way of Cross prayer at church, like what I did last year, full 7 W.O.C.s.

Well, memang, dalam 4 WoC sebelumnya, daku selalu datang tidak dengan keadaan sehat, dan akhirnya, soldier Tuhan ini, tumbang di minggu yang ke 5, ya, diizinkan Tuhan terjadi, maka terjadilah demikian…

Well, there’s something funny during the WoC at home with my m0m. in the perhentian X, there’re word: ‘martabat’, but my m0m read it: ‘martabak’, hahahahaha!!! I laughed spontaneously in prayer. Oh, I feel sorry, I regret it.

You know, what, I set my room like in the church, I put my blanket on the floor for us to kneel and I put my study table facing the Cross. Well, that’s great

My prayer

Lord, plis heal me, I wanna go to the church tomorrow, I wanna join my frens at syafaat next Sunday, I wanna give comments to Julia’s job as WL, I wanna go to school tomorrow, I wanna study programming and flash.

Heal me oh, Lord...

I really sad that I have to spend this Friday, just lying on my bed like this. I didn’t go to Your Church. (but thanks God, I didn’t go to church tadi, becoz after the WoC prayer at home, I sick again. If I went to church, my dad would have coet2 on me more, hoho, thanks God)



Friday, March 7, 2008


Dear all,

here are some photos of PD team:

retreat SHB August 2007

Team PD lama
(daku ga termasuk sih...)

Kunjungan ke panti asuhan Pondok Damai
(ternyata Panti Asuhan Ursulin, ada SERVIAM nya, haha)

masih banyak
kalo di upload smua
ga akan cukup menampung
ke-narcis-an manusia