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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Serving GOD and Serving Others

Serving GOD and serving others

It was taken from the theme of 150th anniversary of St. Ursula School in Jakarta. I served in that event with making the booklet with my bestie. Typing and saying that theme again and again, it became planted inside my heart actually. I thank God that I may study in St. Ursula with its motto SERVIAM –I serve-.

Inauguration of the new Prayer Group team

Tonight, September 30th 2009, we had the 6th anniversary Mass of PDKM and also inauguration Mass of the new servants in St. Alfonsus Prayer Group. Hm…. What to say? It’s just a sweet and touching beginning, right? Wanna cry? No. Feel sad? No. Feel happy? No either. Nothing to say. Just congratz for all.

Coz I’m gonna serve Him in every way of my life

Well, my heart keeps saying tonight: For me, it’s just formalities, coz I know, I’m gonna serve Him in every way of my life. Sebenarnya ga ada pelantikkan pelayan baru ato masa jabatan baru or anything, coz I’m gonna serve Him in every way of my life. I don’t know since when I start loving and serving Him.

menjadi penjala manusia

I like the Words of God tonight, ‘menjadi penjala manusia’. It’s written in Luke 5. One of my favorite readings and which became my base motivation when I want to apply to Singapore universities. I used to only focus on the word: ‘bertolaklah ke tempat yang lebih dalam’ and they got lot of fish with Jesus in their boat. And it has gone with the wind since I was rejected there. And I also forget the Words. But tonight, it comes again specifically to the end of the reading: ‘menjadi penjala manusia’. Hm, this reading still lives in my life, but it strikes me that I may stay here in Jakarta to serve in St. Alfonsus Prayer Group, my second family.

Short post. Thanks for all. Pray that I may be faithful like our God is faithful to us.

Monica is processing, loading, walking, searching, trying, feeling, knowing.



Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Avoiding the Fall!!!

Again, this is the TOB for teens assignment. This assignment is:

Write a ‘back to the future’ story. Imagine that you and another person are actually Adam and Eve and living in the Garden of Eden. Then imagine that you know all the information that you know today about the temptation of the devil (the snake), the Fall, and the baggage that comes with original sin. Here’s the catch: You have this knowledge but your spouse doesn’t. and there’s only one week before the Fall takes place. You have a job to do: Avoid the Fall! Write a creative, pure, and humorous message to your spouse in the Garden that pledges your love and simultaneously attempts to avoid the upcoming “FALL.”

Sound great, right? Seru yah! Let’s do this!

Dear Adam (hihi),

Hi, the sexiest man alive in this world (yeah, you’re the only man lived, lol). I’m very happy with the life we’re now going through. I love the beauty of life and this nature we live in that God’s created for us. And I also love the creatures God has made, especially you (weks… haha…). I really enjoy every moment we shared together in the pure love which God put in us.

But you know what, darling. I heard that this pure love and happiness will end next week! I heard them saying: the Fall, the Fall. I don’t know what it is but they said that this will end our happiness. I heard that, after the Fall, there’ll be no pure love and we’ll feel shame. I don’t know what it’s like. They said that we’re living a ‘naked without shame’ life now. And after the Fall, we’ll feel ashamed if we’re naked.

Then I asked more, why we’ll feel ashamed. They replied me that, it’s because the Fall will affect us the weakness of lust. Then, we’ll seeing each other as object of our lust. Lust is the opposite of love. After the Fall, it’ll be hard for us to distinguish love and lust. Well, they also said that it must be very strange for us to understand it now, since we’re looking each other as subject not as object for our self.

And after the Fall, the meaning of sex with change! Sex will not be a true love anymore; sex will not be an original unity anymore. They will have sex to express their lust, but God said that sex is to express the FTFF love (FTFF: Free, Total, Faithful, Fruitful). Sex loses its sacredness and mystery. Sex will be a recreational activity instead of wonderful gift to be cherished.

Oh, sweetheart, I’m afraid to hear that! I don’t want our pure love and original happiness ended. I don’t want our perfect love changed with lie. We need to trust God more. Because I heard that the Fall was caused by our lack of trust in God. It’s because we (you: Adam and I: Eve), choose to serve our own wills than to God’s will. And this is called original sin which will last forever, generation to generation.

The Fall next week, we’ll be started by the snake! You know what, I’ve smelt that the snake was evil. Yesterday, I accidentally heard the snake’s plan. He plans to give me the fruit from the forbidden tree! Which after eating the fruit, we will be sinned against God. But at first he will offer me and told me that God said that we can eat all the fruit in this Garden. Hm… it’s wrong, right? Before we eat the fruit, he’ll convince me that if God had things His way, we would live miserably, but actually it’s vice versa!

Adam, we have to avoid the Fall! Let’s make a plan. Next week, before the D-day, let’s put some pure love poison in the forbidden tree. You know what, devil hates love, more over pure love, haha. I will make a pure love poison which will make the snake fall in love. And your job, Adam, is to find a female snake. So, after closing the tree, the evil snake will become in love and after meeting the female snake, he will fall in love to the female snake, then they’ll live happily under pure love also… hahaha… isn’t it a great plan??? So, the Satan will never turn human race to sin since the forbidden tree is poisoned with pure love also. And I will water the forbidden tree with pure love water, so, anyone who even gets close to the tree will feel love and trust God 100%, so, the Fall will never happen!

Reply my email ASAP. Let me know what you’re thinking about this too, hon.

With full and pure love,


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Future Husband...

Aaaaaaaaaa… u might think I’m crazy… yes, I am!!!

Well, not really… Lately, I have some Theology of the Body ‘classes’ on youtube which made me awake till mid night. Especially through what the Evert speak. Jason and Crystalina Evert. They spread the good news about chastity, pure love, and many sweet, deep, wonderful, amazing and shocking things in life. The thoughts they share are so amazing that makes me wanna know more: who they are. So, I ask uncle Google and it tells me some brilliant story in both’s life.

Each time I watch the teaching video in YouTube from Jason and Crystalina, I am always amazed. By the teaching itself and by them. They are couple, husband and wife. They have the same passion, both are good in preaching, both are very interesting person. Aaa… make me so envy… sometimes I stared at Crystalina and say: I truly envy to you, to your life, to what you’re doing and for having a husband like Jason Evert, wkwkwk… He is cool.

Well, deep inside I truly interested to TOB. And ready to spend my whole life to learn, talk and spread TOB. And deep inside my heart, I know, I’ll serve God in every way of my life. And I know, I do want to serve God like she does. Crystalina Evert is the second people, whom if I met, I’m gonna say to her:” I wanna serve the Lord like you do.” (the first is Bo Sanchez). And also maybe like you have, your cool husband. Hihi.

So… uncle Google led me to a kind of conversation of Crystalina in a magazine QnA, I guess. In the conversation, she said that when she was 15, she wasn’t virgin anymore, and kept doing that mortal sin for around 3 years, blablabla, long story. Until one day in a retreat she made a conversion of her life. After that, she lived out chastity and pure life and one story make me inspired is: one night she prayed for her future husband, write him letters and then celebrate thousand of Masses for her future husband. Wow! And you see, right, her husband: Jason Evert. Kyaaaa!!!

Well, in the midst of my confusedness of my vocation, I do this absurd thing, write a letter to my future husband. I even still don’t know whether there’ll be a 'real gentleman - yo my man!' whom this letter is written to. Lol. Well, I love doing crazy things, so, let’s do it!!! Check this out.

Dear my future husband,

Hi… firstly I wanna say that thank you for choosing me to walk the rest of your life with. I’m a good person, you won’t regret it. :) And I really hope that God Graces really keep you, wherever you are.

From myself, I’m now trying to know what’s my calling first. Since I still doubt about my vocation also. Pray for me ya. Haha. And I’m trying to be a mature woman. Mature in God also. I’m looking information about what my life is about, what love is about, how to build a family which last forever. Lol.

Sometimes, I think about someone who will help me to walk my life until I am old. We can help each other, share our love, and have a nice family with children??? O, I’m a bit shocked now, but later I won’t. I actually wish that we can serve the Lord together (as what the Everts do), I truly envy to them. And our love may bless other people too.

Now I’m trying to keep chastity in my life. To save the one and last forever love with you. Now, I think, I’m good enough protected with God’s Graces also.

I just pray that now, wherever you are, you are always under God’s protection. That you always remember God and put Him in the center of your life, honey. And although we still don’t know each other (or maybe already know!!! Idk.), I hope that you ever think about me, a woman-will-be whom you gonna spend your life with. Coz I’m praying for you. Today, after inspired about you, my future husband, I told the Lord: God, I have one more people in my prayer list now. Haha…

Well, keep faith, honey. Until we both meet and know that you’re the love of my life. Love you. (I will love my husband whom God gives to me with all you are). Also hope that God makes you ready for me, and makes me ready for you, (if u really are). Take care. God bless.

m0nica (in the midst of doubtness),

September 19th 2009

maluu bgt!!! ga berani kasi tau ada posting-an baru... im freak, yeah!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mengasihi Sesama

Jika anda mendengar kata-kata judul diatas, dan ditanyai, ayat Alkitab apa yang anda ingat tentang mengasihi sesama? Mungkin kebanyakkan dari anda akan menjawab: “Kasihilah sesama mu seperti dirimu sendiri.” Namun jika ditanyai lebih lanjut, apakah anda sudah mengamalkan Firman itu? Kebanyakan mungkin menjawab belum.

Apa itu mengasihi?

Paulus berkata: “Tentang kasih persaudaraan tidak perlu dituliskan kepadamu, karena kamu sendiri telah belajar kasih mengasihi dari Allah…” Sumber cinta kasih adalah Tuhan. Mengapa Tuhan menginginkan kita mencintai sesama juga setelah mencintaiNya? Karena Tuhan ingin cintaNya dalam kita menjadi sempurna! Agar cinta Tuhan itu dapat menjadi sempurna, kita harus dilatih. Dan salah satu cara menyempurnakan cinta itu adalah dengan mencintai sesama kita.

Dengan belajar mengasihi sesama, kita ikut melakukan apa yang Yesus lakukan kepada sesamaNya ketika Ia masih didunia. Sebab Yesus berkata: “Aku memberikan perintah baru kepada kamu, yaitu supaya kamu saling mengasihi; sama seperti Aku telah mengasihi kamu demikian pula kamu harus saling mengasihi.” Bagaimana Yesus mengasihi sesamaNya? Yesus mengasihi dengan tinggal bersama-sama sesamaNya, memberi makan, makan bersama, memperhatikan, menyembuhkan, memperingatkan, mengajar sesamaNya tentang kebenaran sampai akhirnya memberikan diriNya untuk sesamaNya diatas kayu salib, tidak hanya untuk sesamaNya, tetapi untuk para algojo dan orang-orang yang tak suka padaNya dan untuk kita juga yang terus menerus mengkhianatiNya lewat dosa kita. Akar cinta kasih Yesus adalah komitmen untuk memperdulikan dan melayani.

Yesus mati demi cinta

Yesus mencintai sampai mati

Yesus mati dalam cintaNya pada kita

Yesus mencintai sambil mati terhadap DiriNya sendiri

Yesus berkata: “Tidak ada kasih yang lebih besar dari pada kasih seorang yang memberikan nyawanya untuk sahabat-sahabatnya.“

Siapa yang tidak tahu Beata Mother Teresa? Ia memberikan contoh pada dunia bagaimana kasih Yesus itu dalam tindakan nyata. Ia yang seorang putri dari keluarga berada, merelakan dirinya untuk melayani orang-orang kecil dan miskin. Mother Teresa pernah berkata: “Hidup itu tidak pantas dihidupi kecuali kalau dihidupi untuk orang lain.” Life is to love.

Siapa itu sesamaku?

Dengan demikian, haruskah kita melakukan seperti yang Beata Mother Teresa lakukan atau seperti orang-orang kudus lainnya? Meninggalkan comfort zone dan turun kejalan melayani orang-orang miskin? Mungkin kita akan berpikir dua kali. Hal ekstreem itu bukannya tidak perlu atau boleh kita hindari, tetapi saya mengajak teman-teman sekalian untuk merefleksikan mulai dari orang-orang sekitar kita.

Bayangkanlah jika kita harus turun ke jalan menolong orang-orang miskin dan kecil dan kita dikagumi oleh seisi kota akan perbuatan kita, namun kita tidak pernah akur dengan ayah atau ibu atau kakak-adik kita didalam rumah sendiri. Sungguh ironis bukan jadinya? Oleh sebab itu, saya mengajak teman-teman untuk kembali melihat hubungan kita dengan keluarga kita dulu. Apakah aku sudah sungguh-sungguh mencintai ayah-ibu-kakak-adik-om-tante dan semuanya seperti yang Yesus katakan: “Kasihilah sesamamu manusia seperti dirimu sendiri.”? Apakah kita sudah memberikan diri kita untuk mengasihi mereka atau kita masih menolak keinginan-keinginan kecil yang mereka sampaikan pada kita?

Mengampuni sesama…

Dalam memberikan kasih bagi sesama kita, kita juga harus mengampuni. Seseorang tidak mungkin mengasihi orang yang ia benci tanpa sebelumnya mengampuni orang tersebut terlebih dahulu bukan? Dendam dan benci terhadap sesama dapat menjadi akar pahit yang merusak hubungan kita dengan Allah. Tidak sedikit orang-orang yang mengalami sakit fisik karena batinnya tak mampu mengampuni orang yang telah melukainya dan rasa dendam dan benci terus berakar dihatinya. Yesus meminta kita mengasihi sesama seperti yang Ia lakukan kepada kita. Yang Ia lakukan kepada kita adalah menerima segala kekurangan kita dan mengampuni dan melupakan dosa-dosa kita yang mungkin kita lakukan berkali-kali.

Mencintai sesama seperti mencintai diri sendiri?

Yesus berkata: “kasihilah sesamamu manusia seperti dirimu sendiri.” Dalam memahami Firman ini rasanya butuh waktu lama sekali bagi saya. Dulu saya hanya meng-amin-I Firman tersebut. Saya hanya dapat berkata: “Saya akan berusaha melakukannya.” Tanpa memahami maksud dibalik Firman itu, Firman itu rasanya hanya kata-kata saja dan tidak ngefek dalam hidup saya. Namun, puji Tuhan, rasanya Tuhan memberikan penjelasan yang sangat-sangat jelas tentang mengasihi sesama itu kepada saya melalui pengajaran Theology of the Body yang saya peroleh saat Camping Rohani 2009 di Lembah Karmel.

Paus Yohanes Paulus II mengungkapkan rahasia yang sungguh-sungguh besar tentang eksitensi atau keberadaan manusia dan apa atau siapa sebenarnya manusia yang Allah ciptakan. Paus Yohanes Paulus mengatakan setiap manusia memiliki kebutuhan mendasar atau hasrat untuk mencintai dan dicintai. Oleh sebab itu manusia tidak mungkin hidup tanpa cinta. Dan lebih lanjut beliau menegaskan bahwa lawan dari mencintai adalah memanfaatkan. Manusia dalam hubungannya dengan orang lain dapat mengalami yang namanya: mencintai-dicintai-saling mencintai atau memanfaatkan-dimanfaatkan-saling memanfaatkan.

Orang yang memanfaatkan sesamanya berarti memandang sesamanya sebagai ‘objek’. Objek untuk memuaskan keinginan mereka, memuaskan hasrat mereka. Sementara hubungan yang Tuhan kehendaki kita miliki terhadap sesama kita adalah hubungan yang memandang sesama kita sebagai ‘subjek’, dan memperlakukan sesama kita sebagai ‘subjek’ pula, bukan ‘objek’ pemuas keinginan kita.

Yesus juga bersabda: “Segala sesuatu yang kamu kehendaki supaya orang perbuat kepadamu, perbuatlah demikian juga kepada mereka.” Oleh sebab itu jika kita ingin dicintai orang lain kita harus mencintai orang lain juga. Jika kita memanfaatkan orang lain untuk keuntungan tertentu berarti kita meminta orang lain pula untuk memanfaatkan kita dan tidak memberikan kita cinta yang tulus.

Saya memahami Firman Tuhan: “kasihilah sesamamu manusia seperti dirimu sendiri” karena orang lain adalah ‘aku’ku yang lain. Orang itu adalah ‘aku’ku yang disana.

Santo Petrus dengan tegas mengatakan pentingnya mengasihi sesama: “Tetapi yang terutama: kasihilah sungguh-sungguh seorang akan yang lain, sebab kasih menutupi banyak sekali dosa.”
